Seeking Fire (Dragon Academy #1) Is Out Now!

We’re back in the world of Dragon Legacy trilogy, full of dragons, chosen mates, and all kinds of bonding! However, this new series is more stand-alone and explores how different forging your own way may look like in the world changed by the recent social revolution.

This new series can be read separately from the original trilogy (if you must ;)), but it obviously contains major spoilers for the previous books.

Amazon/Kindle Unlimited


Zaryen defies his family—and tradition—to attend the Academy, the school where humans bond with dragons and create partnerships for life. When he meets his companion, he gets more than he could ever dream of, but that’s only the start of their journey.

Meveris doesn’t understand human prejudices and he understands family rejection even less, but he will do whatever it takes to support his companion and treat him the way he deserves.

They will face backlash from Zaryen’s family, other students, and more, but they will also find love, safety, and courage in each other and those willing to stand by them through it all.

You can find it on Amazon HERE

Watch Over Me (KRK Security #2) is out today!

Here comes the second book in the KRK Security series, featuring hot bodyguards and the geeks who work with them, friends-to-lovers romance, a bit of action (of different kinds), and opening yourself up to a chance of something amazing.


James was comfortable putting his life on the line for his job, because that was what he knew and what he was good at. He was less good at standing by and letting stupid men get away with things, even if they were his clients. He was dealing with it, though—mostly by decompressing at the office, side by side with the man whose voice was a comfort to him on any given day.

Being a comm specialist wasn’t the kind of job Eddie’s family would have ever picked for him, but he enjoyed what he was doing and he cared about people he worked with. If he cared about one of them in particular… Well. Eddie had resigned himself to his unattainable crush by now.

But then they were both thrown out of their comfort zone when two assignments clashed together in a way no one would have predicted, and suddenly an admission of feelings was far from the most dangerous thing they were facing.

You can purchase it on Amazon or read it in Kindle Unlimited HERE

Stand By Me (KRK Security #1) is out now!

Stand By Me is the first book in my brand new series, KRK Security, which will focus on the men working at a private security company located in Washington, DC. For the readers of DC Files series, there are going to be some familiar faces, but if you haven’t read it, that’s okay! This series is a spin-off that doesn’t require any knowledge going in.

Either way, if you like hot men in suits (and out of them), characters falling in love while figuring themselves out along the way, and a hint or two of family dramas, you may like this series as well!

And it starts with…

Clay Jackson was still getting used to living in DC after over a decade of being away, but at least he had a job, now. KRK Security seemed like a dream come true and meeting a cute guy on the first day of his new assignment could be an icing on the cake.

But said cute guy was his brother’s best friend. And his brother? Yeah, he hated Clay’s guts.

Mario de Silva had a terrible taste in men, but it wasn’t always the case. His first crush, years ago, had been quite perfect. Now, Clay literally walked back into his life as if they were in a movie, and Mario was determined not to waste this chance.

No matter what.

You can purchase it on Amazon or read it in Kindle Unlimited HERE

The Final Book in Just Married Trilogy is Out!

Married Since Forever is here! The final book in the trilogy picks up where the epilogue of Married For Now left off.

It’s a second chance romance as its core, with former best friends turned husbands turned who-knew-what. It’s not easy to build back a friendship, but is there a chance to build something different now, too?

Amazon/Kindle Unlimited


As a bridge between past and present, it wasn’t the most subtle approach, but Shawn Kelly tried not to care anymore. He’d been hurt by Kyle cutting contact years ago, and he’d learned not to trust his former best friend turned husband turned… whatever they’d been, that one night.

And yet, if anyone ever made Shawn do impulsive, foolish things, it was him.

Kyle Kelly came back home after years spent abroad, half-expecting to find things as he’d left them. He knew, of course, that Shawn would be hurt, but he also hoped that they would resolve any issues between them.

But being in love… That was the one thing their friendship might not survive.

You can purchase it on Amazon or read it in Kindle Unlimited HERE

Married For Now (Just Married #2) is out today!

Marriage of convenience? Hell yes, we’re doing this again!

Following right after the epilogue of Married Before Christmas, this story is about Tommy and Brandon, two doctors who barely knew each other before, and yet, they go all in now to help Tommy out.

Getting married sure doesn’t solve all problems, but can actually solve this one!

Get it on Amazon/KU


Tommy Medina thought he’d left his past behind and managed to start over. He was a few months into his fellowship, he had his hands full in more ways than one, and he had a harmless crush on a hot surgeon. His life was good.

But then the news came about his invalid visa. Now, he was about to lose everything he’d worked so hard for.

He definitely didn’t expect his crush to come to his rescue, that was for sure.

Brandon Sherwood couldn’t truly tell why he was so determined to help Tommy out. Sure, he’d made a promise to himself once, but was he really going to risk it all now for a barely more than a stranger?

Apparently so.

At the first glance, they were total opposites, but as their married life progressed, it turned out they fit better than either of them could ever expect. If only everything else was so easy…

You can get it on Amazon HERE

Oh, and you won’t have to wait long for the third book in the trilogy, either! It’s already on a pre-order and will be out in July.

Married Before Christmas (Just Married #1) is out now!

I’m closing up the new releases this year with a contemporary* story that has marriage of convenience, pretending to be together, friends-to-lovers, and a bit of a Christmas romance.

Married Before Christmas is the first book in the trilogy, but they are all going to be stand-alones with different couples getting their HEA in each book.

Amazon/Kindle Unlimited


Daniel Collins could always count on his biological father to make his life miserable, but the man’s pursuit of ruining Ruth’s Children Hospital was the worst part of it all. Now, with his father dying, there was a chance for Daniel to take over the family trust that controlled the hospital. The main condition of the trust? He needed to be married.

The problem was, he didn’t even have a boyfriend, let alone a husband.

He did, however, have a best friend who saved him more than once over the years.

Noa Alana had a comfortable job in the company he helped create, but he had been feeling restless lately. Daniel coming to him with the most bizarre idea Noa had heard in a while wasn’t exactly the change he was waiting for, but he would never say no to helping his best friend.

A fake marriage could bring out something new between them, but the question was—were they ready to risk their friendship for the unknown?

It’s available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited HERE

* The book is set in the same world as DC Files series, but it can also be read separately. I’m just unable not to connect my contemporary series together. 😉

Beyond the Sandglass, the final book in the Dragon Legacy trilogy, is OUT now!

Here we are. We’ve reached the last part of the trilogy.

It’s a special moment for me, because it’s been years since I had first come up with the idea of these stories—the individual ones and the overarching plot that spans all three books. I knew from the very start that I wanted to release them all close together, because I didn’t want to leave you hanging for too long between them. And now it’s done! The last book is out and the complete story is out there for everyone to read.

I did my best. I hope you enjoy the ride.

Amazon/Kindle Unlimited


If you want to read the full summary, you can find it HERE, but be aware that it contains huge spoilers and shouldn’t be read before reading the first two books.

Through the Sandstorm (Dragon Legacy 2) is OUT!

Amazon/Kindle Unlimited

Daryan’s dream had always been to have a romantic bond with his companion. He’d seen it as the best possible option. But when he arrived at the Academy a week before the searching ceremony, he met a dragon who made him feel things he shouldn’t, not now. Not when Daryan was still hoping his companion would be the one for him in every way.

Aderys was happy and settled in his own platonic bond, so when he met Daryan, he had none of his doubts. He was ready, but Daryan wasn’t, so Aderys focused on something else—the spark of a revolution that was going to change Teranea forever, one way or another.

When the pull became too strong—both towards each other and towards the whirlwind of change—Daryan and Aderys would need to decide what they were going to fight for and what they were willing to let go.

Get it from Amazon/Kindle Unlimited

The Last Book in DC Files Series Is Here

At some point, I’ll probably write a longer post about finishing this series, my first ever series, but I think I need some more distance before I can be more or less coherent about it. For now, I’ll leave you with the last book. I hope you enjoyed the journey with these guys! If so, please review and spread the word, I’d love if more readers got to know them.

Amazon/Kindle Unlimited

Years ago, one of them swore off politics, the other swore off DC. Now, they’re both coming back.

Jake Wilkinson escaped the country for a chance to be someone other than the president’s son. He burned his bridges and broke his own heart, but he felt like he had no choice. It’s been eleven years, though, and he can’t say no to the Smithsonian job offer, so he comes back to DC to start a new life…

…only to stumble into the old one.

Troy Abbot once thought all his dreams had come true, but then the reality wore him down. He made peace with it, somehow, but when he hears Jake is back in town, everything changes.

Can they fix their old mistakes and start something new or should they just stay away from each other for good?

You can buy it on Amazon or read in Kindle Unlimited – CLICK HERE

Wolves Are Back In Town!

The time has come! The next book in Harrington Hills is here, and we can all go back to the comfort of Harrington Pack.

Pride Publishing
Amazon | Kobo | Nook

Patrick Donnelly was cast out from his pack after admitting to his father—his Alpha—that he is gay. Now he’s trying to start over in Harrington Hills, but he’s struggling, not only with the new power balance but also with his own demons.

Ollie Tomilson had gotten used to being the odd one out—a kid in the system, a lone human in the werewolf pack and a man who is always just temporarily visiting in a town where people put down deep roots.

While Patrick and Ollie seem different in many ways, what unites them is that neither fits into the Harrington Hills mold. But maybe—just maybe—they can find what they are searching for in each other.