Wolves Are Back In Town!

The time has come! The next book in Harrington Hills is here, and we can all go back to the comfort of Harrington Pack.

Pride Publishing
Amazon | Kobo | Nook

Patrick Donnelly was cast out from his pack after admitting to his father—his Alpha—that he is gay. Now he’s trying to start over in Harrington Hills, but he’s struggling, not only with the new power balance but also with his own demons.

Ollie Tomilson had gotten used to being the odd one out—a kid in the system, a lone human in the werewolf pack and a man who is always just temporarily visiting in a town where people put down deep roots.

While Patrick and Ollie seem different in many ways, what unites them is that neither fits into the Harrington Hills mold. But maybe—just maybe—they can find what they are searching for in each other.

Building a Home Is Here!

Building a Home, the second book in Harrington Hills series, is now available on all the usual vendors!



Pride Publishing | Amazon | AllRomance | Kobo | Nook

Dating a younger guy wasn’t anywhere in Zack’s plans,
but can he ignore the instincts of his wolf?

Zack Harrington noticed David Dewitt the day the guy showed up in Harrington Hills, but their first meeting was far from perfect. A few months later, Zack still can’t forget about him, and now that the two of them belong to the same pack, their paths cross even more. The problem is, David is barely twenty-two, and Zack still remembers how stupid he was at that age.
David knows he’s young, but he’s tired of hearing about it all the time. He’s not a kid, and he hates being treated like one, even—or especially—by the hot deputy sheriff. But as they get to know each other better and the sparks between them turn hotter, David’s willing to forgive and forget.

Can they move past the age difference and their own personal hang-ups? Or will they ultimately fall into a trap of miscommunication and hiding?

Pride Publishing | Amazon | AllRomance | Kobo | Nook

Building a Home (Harrington Hills #2) – Excerpt

The pre-order for Building a Home will be up on Pride Publishing website on August 30th, so a week from now. To celebrate the upcoming release, today I’m sharing an excerpt from the book!

First, though, look at that pretty cover one more time:


Dating a younger guy wasn’t anywhere in Zack’s plans,
but can he ignore the instincts of his wolf?

Zack Harrington noticed David Dewitt the day the guy showed up in Harrington Hills, but their first meeting was far from perfect. A few months later, Zack still can’t forget about him, and now that the two of them belong to the same pack, their paths cross even more. The problem is, David is barely twenty-two, and Zack still remembers how stupid he was at that age.

David knows he’s young, but he’s tired of hearing about it all the time. He’s not a kid, and he hates being treated like one, even—or especially—by the hot deputy sheriff. But as they get to know each other better and the sparks between them turn hotter, David’s willing to forgive and forget.

Can they move past the age difference and their own personal hang-ups? Or will they ultimately fall into a trap of miscommunication and hiding?

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And here’s the excerpt:

David hadn’t cared about joining a new pack at first. He and Charlie had spent years without one and, as far as David was concerned, they would be fine like that going forward, too. But Charlie had really wanted this. And since he’d done so much for David in the past, saying yes, when Charlie had finally come to ask, was a no-brainer. David would never be able to fully pay off the debt to his brother, but he could do this.

By the time the Joining Ceremony rolled around, David was actually into the idea. After being invited to a few celebrations and getting to know the locals better, he was happy that if they were going to be a part of a pack, they would end up in this one. Most of the people he came into contact with in Harrington Hills seemed really nice.

And by ‘most of the people’, David meant everyone except Zachary Harrington, one of the sheriff’s deputies, whose picture could be in the dictionary under the definition of Hot and Angry.

They’d met during David’s first visit to the town, after he’d picked up a last-minute job for a wedding party. David had noticed Zack as soon as the man had gotten out of the sheriff’s cruiser and headed his way. The deputy was hot and very tall, and his uniform fit nicely over what looked like the body of a seasoned football player. David spent his days working in construction, and he could only dream of shoulders like that.

The spell had broken right after the guy had opened his mouth.

“You’re the boss here?” he’d asked in that disbelieving tone that always made David grit his teeth. He’d managed to be civil only because it had been his first day and the guy had worn a uniform. The fact that he’d introduced himself as Zachary Harrington helped as well.

They hadn’t exchanged more than a hello ever since, but David still couldn’t forget and move on. Any time he saw Zack now, he was torn between the impulse to walk away without looking back and a desire to confront him, to walk up to him and give him a piece of his mind about not assuming things about people.

Meanwhile, his wolf just wanted to rub his muzzle all over Zack.

Which he almost—almost—got to do during the Joining Ceremony. When the big, black wolf walked up to him and he looked into those clear blue eyes, David had no doubt about who it was. He felt like they stared at each other for a long time, but then Zack looked away and let out a huff that David didn’t know how to interpret. Did he have a problem with David joining the pack? Or was it something else? David wasn’t a pushover, and he had pissed off a few people over the years, but, as far as he knew, he didn’t usually rub people the wrong way right from the start.

He didn’t usually react to others like he did to Zack, either, though, so maybe they both were just destined for a collision of some kind.

But then Zack stepped closer and brushed his shoulder against David’s, and David had to push his claws into the ground to stop himself from dropping down. He drew a deep breath, hoping to calm himself, but then Zack’s scent hit him—metal and coffee, and something he couldn’t decipher—and it just made things worse. When Zack pulled back, David leaned slightly to the side to follow, but caught himself in time. He was in a very public place and he was the center of attention. It was the worst time to act crazy like that.

Available soon on Pride Publishing website

So Preciousssss (& Coming Soon!)

(Can you guess from the title of the post that I rewatched Lord of the Rings recently? Gotta love Netflix!)

But, anyway, look at this:


I LOVE that cover!

And you know what it means that I’m showing it to you, right? Building a Home is coming out soon! It will be available at Pride Publishing’s website in September and everywhere else in October.

If you don’t want to miss the release, sign up for my newsletter at the top of the page or in the sidebar on the right. I’ll send you an email when the book is out!

Leading Me Home is #1 on AllRomance Bestseller List!

Don’t ask me how long I stared at this:

AReBestseller1 22lut2016

I still can’t believe my book is in the top spot in the entire store!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone who made it happen! I’m so glad to see this series out there and I hope readers will like Harrington Pack at least half as much as I do.

Leading Me Home (Harrington Hills #1) Out Everywhere

Today is the day of LMH’s general release! Below you have links to all the stores the book is available now, as well as a few excerpts of some early reviews:



Pride Publishing (currently at a discounted price!)
Amazon: US | UK | DE | CA
Nook (B&N)

What are people saying?

5/5 (exceptional) (…) This novella has it all – friendship, romance, it has some hot scenes without being gratuitous, and it has definitely left me wanting more. Absolutely adored this book and I’m looking forward to returning to Harrington Hills as soon as I can. Highly recommended.
(Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books)

4* (…) Leading Me Home, is a charming best friends story with the addition of werewolves, that, by the end of it, had me snuggling my teddy bear (in a good homey, not purvey way). The sexual tension between Kevin and Taylor is palpable, well written, and easy flowing with just enough, will they won’t they hooks to keep me reading.
(Sinfully Gay Romance Book Reviews)

5* (…) I highly recommend this book. If you love a good werewolf romance then I guarantee you will like this.
(Inked Rainbow Reads)

(…) This was a love story. Not a suspenseful shifter story of villains and predators. It was about two wolves learning to love each other. About allowing yourself to want things and accepting it when you get it. It’s a story of family, strength, and understanding.
(Diverse Reader)

Leading Me Home Is Out! (+Excerpt)

As of today, Leading Me Home, the first book in Harrington Hills series, is available for Early Download at Pride Publishing website HERE.

You may also pre-order Leading Me Home on Amazon here: US | UK | DE | CA. The general release date is February 16th.


Pretending to date the guy he has a crush on?
Kevin’s sure he’s heading for a disaster. A broken heart, at least.

Kevin has been a lone wolf almost his entire life and he’s comfortable with that. Now that he no longer works for the guy he hated, Kevin has only one problem – his crush on his neighbor and best friend.

Taylor is the Alpha’s Son, the heir to the Harrington Pack. He left his hometown and moved to San Francisco as a rite of passage, but it was always temporary, since his place is in Harrington Hills with his pack. Now Taylor is heading back home for a wedding and since his mother threatens to set him up if he comes alone, he needs a date. Asking Kevin to be his pretend boyfriend sounds like a perfect solution.

What happens when they arrive in Harrington Hills and learn to see each other in a different light? With their relationship changing, can they drop the act and realize what they have is real?



Two weeks into his unemployment, Kevin was yet to regret being fired. His sleep
schedule was finally somewhat stable and he enjoyed being at home every night, where his
main task was to catch up on all the shows he’d missed when he was tending the bar.
He was about to reach for the last slice of leftover pizza when he heard knocking on the
door. The familiar signal—two quick knocks followed by two more after a short pause—
meant Kevin already knew who was outside.
“Everything’s all right?” he asked as he opened the door and let Taylor in. They’d lived
next to each other for over a year and a half now, and they regularly dropped by each other’s
places at various hours of the day, but five to midnight was pretty late, even for them.
“Aren’t you supposed to be buried under the deadlines?”
“Two projects down, one to go.” Taylor flopped down onto the couch and grabbed the
last slice of pizza. “It’s cold,” he said, scrunching his nose, but that didn’t stop him from
taking a bite.
“No one forces you to eat it.” Kevin rolled his eyes and sat down in his place on the
couch. “What’s up? Deadline jitters?” He’d witnessed it happen countless of times by now.
There was always a point when the stress of running time hinged on the threshold of a
nervous breakdown and Taylor’s manic energy had to get out somehow. The fastest way to
deal with it would be to change and run as a wolf, but they were living in the middle of a city
not really known for its wolf population, so that option was rarely on the table.
“I got a call from home.” Taylor burrowed deeper into the couch cushions and Kevin
was sure that even if he weren’t a werewolf, he would be able to sense Taylor’s unease.
“Mom A has informed me that if I come to the wedding alone, she will stage an
intervention—in the form of presenting me to all eligible bachelors from our pack.”
Kevin told himself that the sudden roll in his stomach came from too much pizza and a
reaction to Taylor’s stress. It was most certainly not from anything even remotely close to
jealousy at the thought of a bunch of men fighting for Taylor’s attention. He put his feet on
the coffee table slowly. “Isn’t she going to be too busy with the wedding?”
Taylor finished chewing another bite before speaking again. “She’ll never be too busy to
try to bully me into dating.”
“Lovely,” Kevin muttered. He knew she was both Taylor’s mom and his pack’s Alpha,
but there should be some limits.
“I need to find someone to go with me.” Taylor stared at the ceiling. “Who do we know
that could do this?”
Kevin shook his head. “Stop it. It’s insane.”
“Most of my friends are taken, damn it,” Taylor continued as if he hadn’t heard him
and Kevin wondered if there was even any point in trying to reason with the crazy person
his best friend obviously was.
“You don’t need a date,” he tried one more time.
“Yes, I do. You don’t know my mother.”
Kevin sighed. “Listen, I get that you want to make your mother happy. She’s your
mom. She’s your Alpha. I get it. But you don’t have to do everything she wants you to do.”
He’d heard a lot of stories about Taylor’s family and pack, and they all seemed nice. It was
obvious Taylor cared about them. But sometimes it seemed like he didn’t see anything else.
“It’s just a wedding. You’re allowed to go alone.”
“I don’t want to go alone if I have to endure my mother’s terrible attempts at setting me
up.” Taylor winced. “She tried once, when I was in high school. Let’s just say it didn’t end up
“You’re not in high school anymore!”
Taylor shrugged. “I still don’t want to risk it.” Then he sat up straight. “Wait, you’re
free! You can come with me! That’s it, that’s the solution.”
Kevin gaped at him for a moment, frozen in place. What the hell?


The book is available from Pride Publishing HERE.

Leading Me Home News & Links

The official premiere is still a few days away (Early Download from Pride Publishing website comes live this Tuesday), but you can already pre-order – just click HERE and the link will take you to the store.

You can also pre-order Leading Me Home on Amazon here: US | UK | DE | CA

But remember, the book goes live on Amazon  on February 16th!  If you want to get to know Kevin and Taylor before that, head to the Pride Publishing website and purchase from there.


I’m hearing good things from people who got ARCs of the book (thank you!) and the positive feedback definitely helps as I’m working on editing the draft of Book 2 of the series. I like spending time with the Harrington Pack a lot and I hope you will, too!

New Series! With Werewolves!

If you looked around closely enough, you might have seen a mention of a new series of mine, Harrington Hills. It’s paranormal, mixing werewolves with small town romance, simply because I couldn’t resist werewolves for long!

It’s also my first book published by Pride Publishing, a part of the Totally Entwined Group, which I’m really excited about.

But let me tell you more about the book:


Pretending to date the guy he has a crush on?
Kevin’s sure he’s heading for a disaster. A broken heart, at least.

Kevin has been a lone wolf almost his entire life and he’s comfortable with that. Now that he no longer works for the guy he hated, Kevin has only one problem – his crush on his neighbor and best friend.

Taylor is the Alpha’s Son, the heir to the Harrington Pack. He left his hometown and moved to San Francisco as a rite of passage, but it was always temporary, since his place is in Harrington Hills with his pack. Now Taylor is heading back home for a wedding and since his mother threatens to set him up if he comes alone, he needs a date. Asking Kevin to be his pretend boyfriend sounds like a perfect solution.

What happens when they arrive in Harrington Hills and learn to see each other in a different light? With their relationship changing, can they drop the act and realize what they have is real?


The book comes out on January 19th from Pride Publishing (available on the publisher’s website) and the general release is on February 16th.