Here’s To Another Amazing Year!

Happy New Year!

I hope 2014 was good for you. For me, it was amazing.

My first book was published. Running Off the Edge came out in February, got to show up at the All Romance bestseller list, and seem to be well-received. 🙂 It was an incredible experience to see something I wrote get out into the world. My dream had come true.

Open Endings, my second book, came out in July, and I got to relive that incredible rush of joy at seeing my book at the publisher’s and retailer’s sites.

I received an immense level of support from the community of M/M writers and I continue to be extremely grateful for that. I’m equally grateful to all the readers who took a chance on a new author. I hope you liked my stories and I hope I will see you around.

I’d written a lot in 2014. The count went slightly over 200k words which as an absolute record for me. It’s mostly the stories that for now are only sitting on my desk computer and the computer of my beta reader, but I hope they will see the light of day in 2015. One story may even be coming out pretty soon… 🙂 I will keep you posted!

Once again, thank you and all the best for you in 2015! May it be the best one yet!

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